www.gryphel.com/c/minivmac/sp_code - feedback

Subscriber Code

for Mini vMac Variations Service

A “Subscriber Code” allows you create custom variations of Mini vMac using the Mini vMac Variations Service, as many as you could reasonably want* for a period of a year. It consists of numbers and one underscore, something like “1234567_1234”.

Subscriber Codes are available through the e-commerce company FastSpring:

Purchase Subscriber Code with FastSpring

The price is ten dollars (plus tax), which helps to support the operation of the Gryphel Project. Immediately after purchase, the page displays a Subscriber Code in red letters. (The Subscriber Code is also emailed to you.)

To use a Subscriber Code, paste it into the Subscriber Code field near the top of the Mini vMac Variations Service form, and a regular variation will be created instead of a demo. A regular version is identical to a demo, except for not having the word “Demo” float around the emulated screen. You can make as many copies as you want, and give them to anyone, under the GNU General Public License (GPL).

An alternative way to obtain a Subscriber Code is to make a donation to the Gryphel Project of ten dollars or more. I will then email the code to you. It usually takes at least a few hours (I receive notification of a donation when I check my email). Unfortunately, email is not always reliable. If you don’t receive it within a couple days, first check your spam folder. If it is not there, then contact me using the feedback form, giving your name, the email address on your donation, and a different email address (and/or street address to mail a letter).

Some fine print

* A Subscriber Code code can be used to request up to 25 variations each day, every day for a year.

The Variations Service only promises to build variations accurately from the public Mini vMac source. No guarantee is made that the built variations are suitable for any purpose. (Please report any bugs.) It is possible that some variations can not be built at all due to bugs in the Mini vMac source. Otherwise, requested variations will be built eventually, but there is no guarantee of how long it will take, due to hardware failures and such issues.

www.gryphel.com/c/minivmac/sp_code - feedback
copyright (c) 2020 Paul C. Pratt - last update 9/12/2020