
To send me a message about Mini vMac or the Gryphel Project, enter it here and then click the Send button below:

After clicking on the Send button, you should see a page confirming your message has been sent to me.

If a reply seems required, I will post your message and my reply to the

Mail Archive (latest)

For best results, ask a single specific question, or request some specific action of me. Longer messages without a specific point I tend to set aside to deal with later, and then a few months later decide it's too late to do anything about.

I'm happy to answer questions about Mini vMac, as it is an opportunity to improve the documentation. However, if you don't look at the documentation, no improvements would help. So please spend at least a minute or two looking for an answer to your question in the documentation or FAQ before asking me. (If you figure out the answer yourself, but don't think the documentation is very clear, let me know how to improve it.)

Bug reports, patches, and website proofreading are always most welcome.

Another option for feedback is to send email to this address:

gryphel logo, 1K

The above is a picture to help avoid attracting spam, so you will need to type in the address. Note that emails to this address will be treated the same as messages sent by the form - questions and responses may be posted to the Mail Archive. Be aware that email is not completely reliable. You can check the Mail Archive to see if I received your email, and whether I have responded to it.

Another option for asking questions is one of various internet forums related to Mini vMac. I can only try to be the definitive source of information about Mini vMac. For other related subjects, having a larger audience is likely to get better results.

copyright (c) 2016 Paul C. Pratt - last update 9/18/2016