This key, the old main public key used by the Gryphel Project, was often used for signing checksums of downloads:
-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: 2.6 mQCPA0FHd0kAAAEEAMhvsNBehhdvSMGZ+1F7SxesCIgm/kMn0c+Sns7H7364Mnb1 NaqR5YaIhwDrQ1fy3Yp/95WBpBhLlLQ+8T7hyd8UViU0hrdPIKyHI5bo0iKCj3ZE J4zQzZ+motMBlsBX0AtVSrTcPSFF6v89gzel4sU+mF08zQEY5Niugru7WJg5ABEB AAG0HlBhdWwgQy4gUHJhdHQsIHd3dy5ncnlwaGVsLmNvbQ== =T3a0 -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
Use PSgCheck to check messages signed with this key. After verifying the message is correctly signed, you can verify any md5 checksums it contains, such as by using Md5Im.
But first, verify this key using the version 2 main public key (Gryphel Key 3) and SigCheck on this signed message:
--------- GRY SIGNED TEXT --------- Gryphel Key 1, the old main public key used by the Gryphel Project, was often used for signing checksums of downloads: -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: 2.6 mQCPA0FHd0kAAAEEAMhvsNBehhdvSMGZ+1F7SxesCIgm/kMn0c+Sns7H7364Mnb1 NaqR5YaIhwDrQ1fy3Yp/95WBpBhLlLQ+8T7hyd8UViU0hrdPIKyHI5bo0iKCj3ZE J4zQzZ+motMBlsBX0AtVSrTcPSFF6v89gzel4sU+mF08zQEY5Niugru7WJg5ABEB AAG0HlBhdWwgQy4gUHJhdHQsIHd3dy5ncnlwaGVsLmNvbQ== =T3a0 -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- It is signed with Gryphel Key 3 on September 24, 2018 ------- BEGIN GRY SIGNATURE ------- Gry/hReeyoqMWvvo/OvIEc28R6elgB0aUSHcgParxrpNp7VzVPgIC1OgZxrGD75x PKSZ+Q9yAy53BdTm3wij0zypEtFTKKqKREnKKN1L6zTVav1wQXRU47y2Mw9bHsZo O0aDm8LVsDI2y/dWF8rx4xZsyKxmuyQtx2k1PobLR0S7qFARM9hu4Y3qSTgR1WrB -------- END GRY SIGNATURE --------
Also, you can compare with copies of this key on and One way to compare is to paste the key into the “Find” command of your web browser.
After verifying, save your own copy of the key, and use that copy in the future. Don’t just rely on the copy on this page being correct; the whole point of the key is for protection if the website is hacked, or if there is a man in the middle attack.